i read
thumbed chess
dear painter
I sit behind the clock,
eavesdropping talks,
once we learn words,
our thoughts never stop.
They tumult out,
an unceasing spout
about all the pouts
of prancing, pacing, prying out
our lives.
Past the carved hours
lay rivers, restive forests,
clouds incapable of
imperfect shapes—
they govern their own days.
If I stripped the watch
to watch the watch
watch itself alone,
would it watch its time
as I watch my life,
now a watcher who
forsaked the watch to watch?
I hold the child in me,
follow a premonition
of who I’ll be—
she tells me she watches how
happy I be!
The past’s thoughts on
the present, the future’s
nostalgia for now—
just be here,
right here,
somehow. Watch it
unfold, partake until
it’s gone cold.
He had in his hands
all these letters,
the man solemnly peeled
away his lenses,
stroked his moustache-
he wept.
A cascade of tears
on dried ink of ivory
paper, addressed from
his son, long lost in
the weather.
The girls were playing
cards, laughing over straights-
they merried over tokens,
coins, and three of a kind eights.
But the men went and saw,
how they had more fun
than they ever knew,
grew with fury-
They beat them.
Took their hands and forced
the full houses upon
the now fearful girls,
stole their fun,
stole their glee,
seized their dignity,
imposed a single memory
fraught with scary things.
And this one moment in time,
the girls would always carry.
Ants continue to festoon
on my cheek yet I
sleep and sleep,
ignore the scratching
of shells on my skin and
splitting eggs on my head.
Ma mere,
Ma mere,
Ma mere,
you weren’t there,
you weren’t there,
you weren’t there
when I needed you most,
when my identity
shattered along
the coral’s symbiotic coast.
I read with my ears,
hearing the string vibrate fears
of being unheard.
I read with my fingers,
feeling the paint and smoke linger
for unspoken words.
I read with my tongue,
tasting the bitterness of singed lungs
unbreathing birds.
I read with my nose,
smelling a rotting rose
unflowered and absurd.
I read with my eyes,
scanning the scenes for lies
untelling of life’s scripture.
I said it was piano!
He said it was ship!
Clearly it had pedals,
but he pointed to propellers,
so I yelled,
he shouted.
I banged on the keys,
he cast out the sails.
I pulled on the strings,
soft hammers, and things.
He climbed the mast,
trapezed across beams
and at long last
we both agreed—
We see the world so differently.
I found a moon jar!
I filled it with fillings,
silver and gold twinkling
as stars next to dear Luna.
My moon jar wards
off my demons,
my moon jar draws
in my dreams.
My moon jar wars
with being too far
from Mars and old
Mary of three.
I covet my divinity.
It’s become my secret,
you see,
my moon jar of softer things
than reality.
I hope it never leaves me,
flies away to be free.
Would I let it go if
it sought liberty?
Me thinks, no.
Well, I meant to summon
a snake to shake
up the believers of
Horus and hate,
but serpents expelled out
and slithered down
their mouths—
choking, gasping, shrieking, rasping
for air,
words long lost on
the throats’ raped
Well, I meant to shift
the water to red, stir
up the pharaoh who
calls up the dead,
but the rivers altered
to blood of the butchered,
screaming, sobbing, crying, lobbing
up prayers to anyone
with an ear,
unheard through bust drums.
Well, I meant to convert
the first-borns to
split up the stubborn,
but the angels of death flew
in from the nest
and pecked out their
hearts, no beat to test.
No pulsing, no spasms, no moving, no fathoms
of how destroyed
a people be
when their children are taken
by godly decree.
For this I am sorry.
Creators destroy
as much as creativity.
A gauntlet of
elaborate Taj Mahal mandate
made of bone
chiseled like stone,
the calcium aged and sown
like scrolls of old,
They were once
now displayed
in contorted fits
of frozen death wishes.
You couldn’t let them die,
could you?
Had to keep them in cabinets,
windows and glass,
no decay,
no going back to the past
soils and long last:
You stole it,
you misfit,
you human!
You dripped the
formaldehyde in,
skinned the frogs,
iguanas, nymphs.
Pinned the butterflies
and beetles,
stuffed the platypus
and meedled into
the weasels for
their fur,
you disgusting cur,
stiffened the toucan and
perched him on a portrait
of a town filled with a crowd,
a madhouse of plowed people,
their hearts harvested
for pounds and crowns—
Don’t you care?
The hare shot between
the ears no longer hears
the fox drawing near,
be clear,
what is your intent
with the chained elephant
shackled for prayer,
blessings, promises
against haters,
hating the animal—
negligent to its needs,
it pleads,
humans pay it no heed.
Are you listening?
Are you awake?
Your eyes glistening
from the mistakes you made.
Horrible human
held by hindsight
despite its ability
to think and predict—
they’re wicked,
they wrong,
they nicked it—
Nature’s song.
went the macaw.
You bit me!
I’m sorry I have teeth.
You morphed me into leaves!
I’m sorry I change things.
You made gravity – made me—
fall unwillingly!
I’m sorry I uphold my physics’ decree.
You let them hurt me!
I’m sorry I don’t know everything.
You gave me wings!
I’m sorry I helped you see new things.
You let me be free!
I’m sorry you’re in control
of your own destiny.
You made me something!
I’m not sorry you be.
Thank you.
No need.
Opposable thumbed
opponents opposite
of each other cast
in silver and gold,
Who shall thumb the
first move?
Fingerprint pawns
or nobbled bishops?
Fingernailed knights
or a queened thumb hairless?
They finger each other,
thumbs go up,
thumbs go down,
they scratch each other,
thumbs go round
and round opting
for strategy on tiled ground,
the skin who does not
care who wins.
They claw each other,
strumming for the king,
a broken finger worth nothing,
yet somehow, he means
everything. No matter
how they shank, slay, or
maim, all the thumbs
return to their thimbles—
some seized, some broken,
some triumphant, some tokens
of a handshake.
The Romans,
the decadence,
seeped in venom
and then labor was
lost, good thought
gone, strategy went
unsought. The men
are whores with the
whores. Sheets spooled
along the floor, festivals
of sex once sacred gone
afoul with fucking for only
a fuck’s sake.
A boy hangs on
Caesar’s marble arm,
a mock and cajole
for the toll of this
jubilee is cheap
pleasure gone by dawn,
don’t you see?
While Rome burns,
the gladius is mad
that it is sucking on nipples,
grapes, grain gone
golden, the generals dip
their tips in surprises gone
amiss, Marcus Aurelius
hisses locked in granite.
Laurels trampled for a
threesome, criminals lauded,
animals slaughtered for
superfluous feasts, treated
with treats without earning
a feat. The statue’s scream,
they beseech them to see,
every empire falls if it’s
taken too lightly.
Why must I have
flowers down there?
Why must my hair
waterfall down in gold?
Why must the Cyclops
eye of God watch my halo?
Why must I sit upon
Why must I be naked,
aglow and exposed?
Dear painter, why
paint me at all?
Let me be, not
trapped in your painting.